Fritz Box 7360 Password Hack

  3. CONFIG_INSTALL_TYPE=mips34_32MB_vdsl_dect441_2eth_2geth_1ab_pots_2usb_host_wlan11n_24175
  4. Country=99
  5. **** CFGFILE:ar7.cfg
  6. * /var/flash/ar7.cfg
  7. */
  8. meta { encoding = 'utf-8'; }
  9. ar7cfg {
  10. active_provider = 'other';
  11. igddenabled = yes;
  12. wan_bridge_with_dhcpc = yes;
  13. dhcpc_use_static_dns = no;
  14. ethmode = ethmode_bridge;
  15. vdsl_resalearch = no;
  16. hsi_use_wan_vlan = yes;
  17. vlanencap = vlanencap_none;
  18. vlanprio = 0;
  19. mtu_cutback_mode = mtumode_auto;
  20. StatisticStartOfMonth = 1;
  21. macdsl_override = 00:00:00:00:00:00;
  22. ipv4mode = ipv4_normal;
  23. mode = serialmode_off;
  24. provider = 'internet.t-mobile';
  27. connect_chatscript = 'ABORT BUSY ABORT 'NO CARRIER',
  29. '' 'AT+cgdcont=1,'IP','${provider}'',
  30. 'WAIT 2';
  31. inactivity_timeout = 1m;
  32. enabled = no;
  33. downtime = 3m;
  34. }
  35. ethinterfaces {
  36. dhcp = no;
  37. netmask =;
  38. dhcpenabled = yes;
  39. dhcpend =;
  40. is_guest = no;
  41. } {
  42. dhcp = no;
  43. netmask =;
  44. dhcpenabled = yes;
  45. dhcpend =;
  46. is_guest = no;
  47. } {
  48. dhcp = no;
  49. netmask =;
  50. interfaces = 'ath0', 'wdsup1', 'wdsdw1', 'wdsdw2', 'wdsdw3',
  51. dhcpenabled = yes;
  52. dhcpend =;
  53. is_guest = no;
  54. }
  55. name = 'lan';
  56. ipaddr =;
  57. dstipaddr =;
  58. interfaces = 'eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2', 'eth3', 'ath0',
  59. 'wdsdw4', 'plc';
  60. dhcpstart =;
  61. no_dnsd_static = no;
  62. is_hotspot = no;
  63. name = 'lan:0';
  64. ipaddr =;
  65. dstipaddr =;
  66. dhcpstart =;
  67. no_dnsd_static = no;
  68. is_hotspot = no;
  69. name = 'guest';
  70. ipaddr =;
  71. dstipaddr =;
  72. interfaces = 'guest?*', 'wlan_guest', 'guest_ct*',
  73. dhcpenabled = yes;
  74. dhcpend =;
  75. is_guest = yes;
  76. } {
  77. dhcp = no;
  78. netmask =;
  79. interfaces = 'hotspot?*', 'hspot_ct*', 'hspot_st*';
  80. dhcpstart =;
  81. no_dnsd_static = yes;
  82. is_hotspot = yes;
  83. dslinterface {
  84. dhcp = no;
  85. netmask =;
  86. dhcpenabled = yes;
  87. dhcpend =;
  88. is_guest = no;
  89. }
  90. ipbridge {
  91. }
  92. interfaces = 'lan', 'usbrndis', 'eth0', 'eth1', 'eth2',
  93. nofirewall = yes;
  94. hostuniq_filter = ';
  95. security = dpsec_host;
  96. filter_netbios = yes;
  97. policy = 'reject';
  98. 'permit ip any any connection outgoing-related',
  99. 'permit ip any any connection incoming-related',
  100. }
  101. policy = 'permit';
  102. highinput {
  103. }
  104. policy = 'permit';
  105. 'reject ip any',
  106. 'reject ip any';
  107. }
  108. budget {
  109. Period = 2;
  110. VolumeHigh = 0;
  111. WarnOnly = yes;
  112. vccs {
  113. VCI = 32;
  114. pcr = 0;
  115. priority = 0;
  116. ipbridgeing = no;
  117. pppoeforwarding = no;
  118. }
  119. voip_forwardrules = 'udp',
  120. 'udp';
  121. tr069_forwardrules = 'tcp';
  122. voip_ip6_forwardrules = 'udp 5060,7078-7110', 'tcp 5060';
  123. internet_in_nat_rules_enabled = yes;
  124. dslifaces {
  125. name = 'internet';
  126. dsl_encap = dslencap_ether;
  127. no_masquerading = no;
  128. no_firewall = no;
  129. pppoevlanauto = no;
  130. vlancfg {
  131. vlanid = 141;
  132. }
  133. fixed_masqaddr =;
  134. etherencapcfg {
  135. use_dhcp_if_not_encap_ether = no;
  136. netmask =;
  137. dns1 =;
  138. }
  139. stay_always_online = no;
  140. reconnect_delay_after_conn_abort = 30s;
  141. redial_delay_after_auth_failure = 1m;
  142. redial_after_limit_reached = 10m;
  143. redial_delay_after_low_error = 10s;
  144. redial_delay_after_ppp_error = 0w;
  145. dproutes_only_for_local = no;
  146. ripv2receiver_enabled = no;
  147. ripv2authmode = ripv2_auth_none;
  148. ripv2passwd = ';
  149. set_replicate_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = no;
  150. unset_ignored_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = yes;
  151. security = dpsec_firewall;
  152. filter_netbios = yes;
  153. policy = 'permit';
  154. 'deny ip any',
  155. }
  156. policy = 'permit';
  157. highinput {
  158. }
  159. policy = 'permit';
  160. 'reject ip any',
  161. 'reject ip any';
  162. }
  163. dhcp_requests_with_client_id = yes;
  164. } {
  165. name = 'voip';
  166. dsl_encap = dslencap_ether;
  167. no_masquerading = no;
  168. no_firewall = no;
  169. pppoevlanauto = no;
  170. vlancfg {
  171. vlanid = 149;
  172. }
  173. fixed_masqaddr =;
  174. etherencapcfg {
  175. use_dhcp_if_not_encap_ether = no;
  176. netmask =;
  177. dns1 =;
  178. }
  179. stay_always_online = yes;
  180. reconnect_delay_after_conn_abort = 30s;
  181. redial_delay_after_auth_failure = 1m;
  182. redial_after_limit_reached = 10m;
  183. redial_delay_after_low_error = 10s;
  184. redial_delay_after_ppp_error = 0w;
  185. dproutes_only_for_local = no;
  186. ripv2receiver_enabled = no;
  187. ripv2authmode = ripv2_auth_none;
  188. ripv2passwd = ';
  189. set_replicate_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = no;
  190. unset_ignored_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = yes;
  191. security = dpsec_firewall;
  192. filter_netbios = yes;
  193. policy = 'permit';
  194. lowoutput {
  195. }
  196. policy = 'permit';
  197. highoutput {
  198. }
  199. dhcp_auth_mode = auth_none;
  200. dhcp_ignore_options_in_renewing = no;
  201. enabled = yes;
  202. weight = 50;
  203. dslinterfacename = 'dsl';
  204. use_fixed_masqaddr_if_no_masquerading = no;
  205. stackmode = stackmode_ipv4only;
  206. pppoevlanauto_startwithvlan = no;
  207. vlanencap = vlanencap_fixed_prio;
  208. vlanprio = 0;
  209. ppptarget = 'iptv';
  210. mtu = 0;
  211. use_dhcp = yes;
  212. ipaddr =;
  213. gateway =;
  214. dns2 =;
  215. is_mcupstream = yes;
  216. disable_ondemand = no;
  217. only_route_when_connected = no;
  218. redial_limit = 3;
  219. redial_after_limit_reached_variance = 5m;
  220. redial_delay_after_ppp_timeout = 10s;
  221. routes_only_for_local = no;
  222. disable_staticroutes_on_dhcproutes = no;
  223. ripv2_update_timer = 30s;
  224. ripv2md5_keyid = 0;
  225. set_replicate_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = no;
  226. unset_ignored_dhcpoptions_in_parameter_request_list = yes;
  227. security = dpsec_firewall;
  228. filter_netbios = yes;
  229. policy = 'permit';
  230. lowoutput {
  231. }
  232. policy = 'permit';
  233. highoutput {
  234. }
  235. dhcp_auth_mode = auth_none;
  236. dhcp_ignore_options_in_renewing = no;
  237. targets {
  238. name = 'internet';
  239. local {
  240. passwd = ';
  241. remoteauth = pppcfg_authtype_chap;
  242. remote {
  243. inactivity_timeout = 5m;
  244. nChargeInterval = 1m;
  245. logicaldisconnect_with_physical = yes;
  246. finaldisconnectcall = no;
  247. dnsfilter_for_active_directory = no;
  248. coso = pppcfg_coso_caller;
  249. icbmode = pppcfg_icbmode_none;
  250. mscbprefered = no;
  251. extra_static_channels = 0;
  252. automatic = no;
  253. window = 20s;
  254. drop_percent = 70;
  255. }
  256. header_compression = yes;
  257. stac_reset_with_history_number = no;
  258. inactivity_prevention_interval = 0w;
  259. my_ipaddr =;
  260. overwrite_dns1 =;
  261. bVolumeRoundUp = no;
  262. bProviderDisconnectPrevention = yes;
  263. ProviderDisconnectPreventionHour = 5;
  264. passiv_on_outgoing = no;
  265. mode4 = mode4_normal;
  266. type = pppcfg_target_internet;
  267. only_crypt_auth = no;
  268. username = ';
  269. }
  270. remoteauth_only_on_incoming = yes;
  271. }
  272. bUseChargeInterval = no;
  273. lcpecho_disconnect_mode = lcpecho_auto;
  274. disconnect_timeout = 0w;
  275. ipnetbiosspoofing = no;
  276. no_outgoing_calls = no;
  277. callback_delay = 1s;
  278. ocbmode = pppcfg_ocbmode_none;
  279. multilink {
  280. max_channels = 1;
  281. automatic_param {
  282. add_percent = 85;
  283. sportlich = no;
  284. }
  285. data_compression = pppcfg_datacomp_auto;
  286. encryption = pppcfg_crypt_none;
  287. new_ipaddr_on_connect = no;
  288. his_ipaddr =;
  289. overwrite_dns2 =;
  290. VolumeRoundUpBytes = 0;
  291. ProviderDisconnectPreventionInterval = 1d;
  292. bProviderDisconnectPreventionHourSet = yes;
  293. mode6 = mode6_off;
  294. } {
  295. name = 'iptv';
  296. local {
  297. passwd = ';
  298. remoteauth = pppcfg_authtype_chap;
  299. remote {
  300. inactivity_timeout = 0w;
  301. nChargeInterval = 1m;
  302. logicaldisconnect_with_physical = yes;
  303. finaldisconnectcall = no;
  304. dnsfilter_for_active_directory = no;
  305. coso = pppcfg_coso_caller;
  306. icbmode = pppcfg_icbmode_none;
  307. mscbprefered = no;
  308. extra_static_channels = 0;
  309. automatic = no;
  310. window = 20s;
  311. drop_percent = 70;
  312. }
  313. header_compression = yes;
  314. stac_reset_with_history_number = no;
  315. inactivity_prevention_interval = 0w;
  316. my_ipaddr =;
  317. overwrite_dns1 =;
  318. bVolumeRoundUp = no;
  319. bProviderDisconnectPrevention = yes;
  320. ProviderDisconnectPreventionHour = 5;
  321. passiv_on_outgoing = no;
  322. mode4 = mode4_normal;
  323. dslglobalconfig {
  324. autodetect_with_pppoeiface = no;
  325. nround = 2;
  326. npacket = 1;
  327. vlanencap = vlanencap_none;
  328. vlanprio = 0;
  329. }
  330. speed_out_netto = 9999999;
  331. manual_speed = no;
  332. sync_lost_delay = 0w;
  333. templates {
  334. VCI = 32;
  335. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  336. VPI = 8;
  337. retries = 0;
  338. } {
  339. VCI = 35;
  340. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  341. VPI = 8;
  342. retries = 0;
  343. } {
  344. VCI = 48;
  345. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  346. VPI = 8;
  347. retries = 0;
  348. } {
  349. VCI = 67;
  350. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  351. VPI = 8;
  352. retries = 0;
  353. } {
  354. VCI = 64;
  355. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  356. VPI = 8;
  357. retries = 0;
  358. } {
  359. VCI = 35;
  360. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  361. VPI = 0;
  362. retries = 0;
  363. } {
  364. VCI = 35;
  365. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  366. VPI = 9;
  367. retries = 0;
  368. } {
  369. VCI = 32;
  370. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  371. VPI = 1;
  372. retries = 0;
  373. } {
  374. VCI = 32;
  375. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  376. VPI = 0;
  377. retries = 0;
  378. } {
  379. VCI = 32;
  380. encap = dslencap_pppoa_llc;
  381. VPI = 0;
  382. retries = 0;
  383. } {
  384. VCI = 34;
  385. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  386. VPI = 0;
  387. retries = 0;
  388. } {
  389. VCI = 33;
  390. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  391. VPI = 8;
  392. retries = 0;
  393. } {
  394. VCI = 32;
  395. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  396. VPI = 8;
  397. retries = 0;
  398. } {
  399. VCI = 38;
  400. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  401. VPI = 0;
  402. retries = 0;
  403. } {
  404. VCI = 35;
  405. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  406. VPI = 8;
  407. retries = 0;
  408. } {
  409. VCI = 81;
  410. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  411. VPI = 0;
  412. retries = 0;
  413. } {
  414. VCI = 81;
  415. encap = dslencap_pppoa_llc;
  416. VPI = 8;
  417. retries = 0;
  418. } {
  419. VCI = 81;
  420. encap = dslencap_pppoa;
  421. VPI = 8;
  422. retries = 0;
  423. } {
  424. VCI = 100;
  425. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  426. VPI = 0;
  427. retries = 0;
  428. } {
  429. VCI = 100;
  430. encap = dslencap_pppoa_llc;
  431. VPI = 1;
  432. retries = 0;
  433. } {
  434. VCI = 50;
  435. encap = dslencap_pppoe;
  436. VPI = 0;
  437. retries = 0;
  438. } {
  439. VCI = 33;
  440. encap = dslencap_ether;
  441. VPI = 0;
  442. retries = 0;
  443. } {
  444. VCI = 24;
  445. encap = dslencap_ether;
  446. MaxDownstreamRate = 0;
  447. RFI = 0;
  448. DownstreamBlackoutBandEnd = 0;
  449. DownstreamMarginOffset = 0;
  450. UpstreamPcbOffset = 0;
  451. RFI_mode = 0;
  452. DiagnosticEnabled = no;
  453. DSLMode = 0;
  454. VinaxConfigBitField = 3;
  455. sPLZ = ';
  456. sDPVersion = ';
  457. nDays = 7;
  458. nG997_1_XTSE_5_6_7_8 = 0;
  459. accesslist_version = 4;
  460. forwardrules_version = 1;
  461. tr069discover_active = yes;
  462. tr069discover_without_dhcpoption = no;
  463. tr069discover_vlan_takeover = no;
  464. vlanencap = vlanencap_none;
  465. vlanprio = 0;
  466. tr069discover_vlancfg {
  467. vlanid = 0;
  468. }
  469. upnp_cors_allow_origins = '*';
  470. upnp_cors_allow_headers = 'SOAPACTION', 'Content-Type', 'Origin';
  471. upnp_cors_allow_methods = 'GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS';
  472. allow_background_comm_with_manufacturer = yes;
  473. config_externally_changed = no;
  474. }
  475. hostname = '(none)';
  476. dns2 =;
  477. user_dns1_for_ipv4 =;
  478. use_user_dns_for_ipv6 = no;
  479. user_dns2_for_ipv6 = ::;
  480. websrv {
  481. read_timeout = 15m;
  482. keepalive_timeout = 5m;
  483. errordir = '/usr/www/html/errors';
  484. cgidir = 'cgi-bin';
  485. indexfn = 'index.var', 'index.htm', 'index.html';
  486. cors_allow_origins = '*';
  487. cors_allow_headers = 'SOAPACTION', 'Content-Type', 'Origin';
  488. cors_max_age = 1d;
  489. ipv6 {
  490. use_default_ula = yes;
  491. use_fixed_mtu = no;
  492. dhcpv6lanmode = dhcpv6lanmode_stateless;
  493. dhcpv6_preference = 0;
  494. dhcpv6c_wanted_prefixlen = 62;
  495. radv {
  496. MaxRtrAdvInterval = 600;
  497. PreferedLifeTime = 3600;
  498. AdvDNS = yes;
  499. AdvRouteInfo = yes;
  500. ip6_6to4static_cfg {
  501. local = ::;
  502. prefix = ::;
  503. }
  504. popaddr =;
  505. prefixlen = 16;
  506. }
  507. ticserver = '';
  508. ip6_static_cfg {
  509. prefixlen = 56;
  510. wan_prefix = ::;
  511. wan_ifid = ::;
  512. wan_dns2 = ::;
  513. he {
  514. tunnel {
  515. local = ::;
  516. prefix = ::;
  517. }
  518. aftr = ::;
  519. lispcfg {
  520. passwd = ';
  521. proxy_map_reply = no;
  522. per_packet = no;
  523. autoprio {
  524. upstream {
  525. highkbytes = 0;
  526. high0 = 50;
  527. low0 = 100;
  528. }
  529. waittime = 1m;
  530. highpercent = 80;
  531. high1 = 50;
  532. low1 = 0;
  533. }
  534. dhcpserver {
  535. generic {
  536. max_lease_time = 13d;
  537. }
  538. metric = 9;
  539. dnsserver {
  540. max_negative_ttl = 1h;
  541. ddns {
  542. enabled = no;
  543. username = ';
  544. ddnsprovider = '';
  545. types {
  546. url = '/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=NOCHG';
  547. type = 'dyndns-custom';
  548. url = '/nic/update?system=custom&hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=NOCHG';
  549. type = 'dyndns-statdns';
  550. url = '/nic/update?system=statdns&hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=NOCHG';
  551. type = 'noip';
  552. url = '/ducupdate.php?update=<b64>username=<username>&pass=<pass>&h[]=<domain>&ip=<ipaddr></b64>';
  553. type = 'dns4biz_premium';
  554. url = '/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=&mx=&backmx=&offline=NO';
  555. type = 'dns4biz_business';
  556. url = '/nic/update?system=dyndns&hostname=<domain>&myip=<ipaddr>&wildcard=&mx=&backmx=&offline=NO';
  557. type = 'selfhost';
  558. url = '/nic/update?myip=<ipaddr>&host=<domain>&textmodi=1&http_status=1';
  559. type = 'strato';
  560. } {
  561. url = '/webclient/tzoperl.html?TZOName=<domain>&Email=<username>&TZOKey=<pass>&IPAddress=<ipaddr>&system=tzodns&info=1';
  562. type = 'namemaster';
  563. url = '/dyn.php?username=<username>&password=<pass>&hostname=<domain>&dual=<dualstack>';
  564. type = 'anydns';
  565. url = '/update.php?user=<username>&password=<pass>&host=<domain>&ip=<ipaddr>&ip6=<ip6addr>';
  566. type = 'userdefined';
  567. }
  568. name = '';
  569. livedelay = 0w;
  570. server = '';
  571. infourl = '';
  572. } {
  573. type = 'dyndns';
  574. touchtime = 30d;
  575. ip6server = ';
  576. ddnsmode = ddns_both;
  577. name = '';
  578. livedelay = 0w;
  579. server = '';
  580. infourl = '';
  581. } {
  582. type = 'dyndns-statdns';
  583. touchtime = 30d;
  584. ip6server = ';
  585. ddnsmode = ddns_both;
  586. name = '';
  587. livedelay = 4m;
  588. server = '';
  589. infourl = '';
  590. } {
  591. type = 'dns4biz_premium';
  592. touchtime = 0w;
  593. ip6server = ';
  594. infourl = '';
  595. } {
  596. type = 'dns4biz_business';
  597. touchtime = 0w;
  598. ip6server = ';
  599. infourl = '';
  600. } {
  601. type = 'selfhost';
  602. touchtime = 0w;
  603. ip6server = ';
  604. ddnsmode = ddns_v4;
  605. name = 'STRATO AG';
  606. livedelay = 4m;
  607. server = '';
  608. infourl = '';
  609. } {
  610. type = 'TZO';
  611. touchtime = 0w;
  612. ip6server = ';
  613. ddnsmode = ddns_v4;
  614. name = '';
  615. livedelay = 0w;
  616. server = '';
  617. infourl = '';
  618. } {
  619. type = 'userdefined';
  620. touchtime = 0w;
  621. ip6server = ';
  622. ddnsmode = ddns_v4;
  623. }
  624. username = ';
  625. expertmode = yes;
  626. event_filter = 0;
  627. app_enabled = no;
  628. ipv4_hidden = no;
  629. ipv6_native_hidden = no;
  630. ata_hidden = no;
  631. voip_2ndPVC_hidden = no;
  632. capiovertcp {
  633. maxctrl = 1;
  634. }
  635. enabled = no;
  636. interval = daily;
  637. To = ';
  638. accountname = ';
  639. show_eventlist = yes;
  640. show_kidsstat = yes;
  641. show_fonstat = yes;
  642. dsl_pushmail_mode = 0;
  643. enable_startup_supportdata = no;
  644. crashreport_name = ';
  645. enable_connect_mail = no;
  646. reset_pwd_enabled = yes;
  647. enabled = no;
  648. }
  649. enabled = no;
  650. }
  651. enabled = no;
  652. }
  653. night_time_control {
  654. time_on = ';
  655. ring_blocked = no;
  656. ntpclient {
  657. chrony_enabled = yes;
  658. led {
  659. control = led_on;
  660. }
  661. enabled = no;
  662. dst_enabled = no;
  663. name = ';
  664. mrouter {
  665. igmp_version_for_other = 3;
  666. }
  667. }
  668. dsl_token = 5000;
  669. }
  670. enabled = yes;
  671. persistent_data = ';
  672. }
  673. landevices_version = 2;
  674. prios {
  675. name = 'profile_http';
  676. rules = 'TCP 80 0 0 0';
  677. } {
  678. profile_id = '2';
  679. filter = 'reject tcp any range 20 21 any';
  680. name = 'profile_emule';
  681. rules = 'TCP 0 0 4662 0', 'UDP 0 0 4672 0';
  682. 'reject udp any any eq 4672';
  683. name = 'profile_torrent';
  684. rules = 'TCP 0 0 6881 6999';
  685. } {
  686. profile_id = '5';
  687. filter = 'reject tcp any eq 3389 any';
  688. name = 'profile_ssh';
  689. rules = 'TCP 0 0 22 0';
  690. } {
  691. profile_id = '7';
  692. filter = 'reject tcp any any eq 23';
  693. name = 'profile_not_surf';
  694. rules = 'TCP 0 0 1 24', 'TCP 0 0 26 79', 'TCP 0 0 81 109',
  695. 'TCP 0 0 444 464', 'TCP 0 0 466 586',
  696. 'TCP 0 0 996 8079', 'TCP 0 0 8081 65535',
  697. filter = 'reject tcp any any range 1 24',
  698. 'reject tcp any any range 81 109',
  699. 'reject tcp any any range 144 442',
  700. 'reject tcp any any range 466 586',
  701. 'reject tcp any any range 994 994',
  702. 'reject tcp any any range 8081 65535',
  703. }
  704. nqos {
  705. macaddr_whitelist_enabled = no;
  706. bridge_lp_mode = -1;
  707. defaultresult {
  708. vlan_prio = -1;
  709. }
  710. enabled = yes;
  711. protocol = qos_classifier_appl_sip;
  712. tos = -1;
  713. queueref = 'hrealtime';
  714. }
  715. enabled = yes;
  716. type = qos_cfg_internal;
  717. rule = 'localmark sip';
  718. tos = -1;
  719. queueref = 'hrealtime';
  720. } {
  721. name = 'clfy_voip';
  722. iface = qos_local;
  723. result {
  724. vlan_prio = -1;
  725. }
  726. enabled = yes;
  727. type = qos_cfg_hidden;
  728. rule = 'localmark sipdns,ntpdns,tr069dns,tr069';
  729. tos = -1;
  730. queueref = 'hprio';
  731. } {
  732. name = 'igmp';
  733. iface = qos_local;
  734. result {
  735. vlan_prio = -1;
  736. }
  737. enabled = yes;
  738. type = qos_cfg_hidden;
  739. rule = 'localmark webdav';
  740. tos = -1;
  741. queueref = 'low';
  742. } {
  743. name = 'mstv';
  744. iface = qos_lan;
  745. result {
  746. vlan_prio = -1;
  747. }
  748. enabled = yes;
  749. type = qos_cfg_hidden;
  750. rule = 'ip.proto IPv6-ICMP';
  751. tos = -1;
  752. queueref = 'hprio';
  753. } {
  754. name = 'icmp';
  755. iface = qos_lan;
  756. result {
  757. vlan_prio = -1;
  758. }
  759. enabled = yes;
  760. type = qos_cfg_hidden;
  761. rule = 'udp.dport 53';
  762. tos = -1;
  763. queueref = 'hprio';
  764. } {
  765. name = 'clfy_voip';
  766. iface = qos_lan;
  767. result {
  768. vlan_prio = -1;
  769. applref = 'sip-appl';
  770. } {
  771. name = 'clfy_fmedia';
  772. iface = qos_lan;
  773. result {
  774. vlan_prio = -1;
  775. }
  776. enabled = yes;
  777. type = qos_cfg_internal;
  778. rule = 'ethsrctab mediatab';
  779. tos = -1;
  780. queueref = 'realtime';
  781. } {
  782. name = 'clfy_www';
  783. iface = qos_lan;
  784. result {
  785. vlan_prio = -1;
  786. }
  787. enabled = no;
  788. type = qos_cfg_system;
  789. rule = 'tcp.dest 80,3128,8080 ip.len <= 800';
  790. tos = -1;
  791. queueref = 'none';
  792. } {
  793. name = 'clfy_voip';
  794. iface = qos_local;
  795. result {
  796. vlan_prio = -1;
  797. }
  798. enabled = yes;
  799. type = qos_cfg_internal;
  800. rule = 'localmark rtp_internet';
  801. tos = -1;
  802. queueref = 'hrealtime';
  803. }
  804. enabled = yes;
  805. type = qos_cfg_system;
  806. iface = qos_wan;
  807. precedence = 0;
  808. shapingrate = 0;
  809. allow_more = yes;
  810. } {
  811. with_sfq = no;
  812. name = 'hprio';
  813. queue_type = queue_llq;
  814. weight = 0;
  815. shapingburst = 0;
  816. ceilrate = 0;
  817. enabled = yes;
  818. type = qos_cfg_system;
  819. iface = qos_wan;
  820. precedence = 20;
  821. shapingrate = 0;
  822. allow_more = yes;
  823. } {
  824. with_sfq = yes;
  825. name = 'realtime';
  826. queue_type = queue_llq;
  827. weight = 0;
  828. shapingburst = 0;
  829. ceilrate = 0;
  830. enabled = yes;
  831. type = qos_cfg_system;
  832. iface = qos_wan;
  833. precedence = 100;
  834. shapingrate = 0;
  835. allow_more = yes;
  836. } {
  837. with_sfq = yes;
  838. name = 'default';
  839. queue_type = queue_llq;
  840. weight = 10;
  841. shapingburst = 0;
  842. ceilrate = 0;
  843. enabled = yes;
  844. type = qos_cfg_system;
  845. iface = qos_wan;
  846. precedence = 200;
  847. shapingrate = 0;
  848. allow_more = yes;
  849. }
  850. eth_port_config {
  851. ethport2_mode = mode_normal;
  852. ethport4_mode = mode_normal;
  853. ethernet_eco {
  854. eth1_mode = 1;
  855. eth3_mode = 1;
  856. unattended_update {
  857. no_update_found_time = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';
  858. priority = 1;
  859. status = 0;
  860. enabled = yes;
  861. auto_update_time = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';
  862. avmlogd {
  863. redzonecheck = no;
  864. speedtest {
  865. bidirect_enabled = no;
  866. provider_default {
  867. jasonii {
  868. upstream_sync_pending = no;
  869. }
  870. users {
  871. id = 101;
  873. password = ';
  874. box_admin_rights = secobj_access_rights_readwrite_from_homenetwork_only;
  875. nas_rights = secobj_access_rights_readwrite_from_homenetwork_only;
  876. phone_rights = secobj_access_rights_readwrite_from_homenetwork_only;
  877. homeauto_rights = secobj_access_rights_readwrite_from_homenetwork_only;
  878. remote_access_id = 0;
  879. }
  880. enabled = yes;
  881. nas_cpu {
  882. https_ipv4_external_port = 4443;
  883. hotspotcfg {
  884. gateway =;
  885. l2tpcfg {
  886. fixed_server =;
  887. // EOF
  888. **** END OF FILE ****
  889. /*
  890. * Thu Jan 1 01:00:30 1970
  891. enabled = yes;
  892. igd {
  893. FirstUseDate = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';
  894. managementserver {
  895. username = ';
  896. URLAlreadyContacted = no;
  897. PeriodicInformEnable = yes;
  898. PeriodicInformTime = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';
  899. ACSInitiationEnable = yes;
  900. ConnectionRequestPassword = ';
  901. }
  902. enabled = yes;
  903. valid = no;
  904. status = 0;
  905. CompleteTime = '1970-01-01 01:00:00';
  906. }
  907. RebootRequest_CommandKey = ';
  908. **** END OF EXPORT BEB55153 ****
(Redirected from FRITZ!Box)
Fritz!Box brand logo
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When defining passwords, keys and names, not all characters are allowed, and not all passwords are secure. This is why the FRITZ!Box assists you in assigning secure passwords, for instance when creating new users or configuring MyFRITZ! A diagram indicates how secure the chosen password is. Videopad video editor serial key free. download full.

Fritz!Box connections
AVM FritzBox WLAN 3490 at installation

Fritz!Box, stylised as FRITZ!Box, is a series of residential gateway devices produced by the German company AVM GmbH. In 2010 it was estimated the series had a market share of 68% of the digital subscriber line (DSL) consumer equipment in Germany.[1]


Typical functionality of a Fritz!Box includes:

  • a built-in broadband modem:
    • a DSL modem (most models)
    • a cable modem (6xxx series)
    • a 3G or LTE modem (68xx series)
    • a fibre broadband modem (54xx series)
  • a built-in LAN-WAN router, usually with a network switch supporting Fast Ethernet or, in newer models, Gigabit Ethernet
  • in nearly all models, a wireless access point:
    • in the 2.4 GHz radio band, in accordance with IEEE 802.11b (11 Mbit/s), IEEE 802.11g (54 Mbit/s) and IEEE 802.11n (up to 450 Mbit/s) standards
    • in many newer models, also in the 5 GHz radio band, supporting the IEEE 802.11a (54 Mbit/s), IEEE 802.11n (54 Mbit/s—450 Mbit/s) and IEEE 802.11ac (up to 1.27 Gbit/s) standards
  • a PBX, particularly in the 7xxx series models:
    • a built-in SIP client for internet telephony (VoIP)
    • a DECT base station to connect cordless handsets
    • a SIP server to connect SIP-compliant phones or software devices
    • support for physical phones (extensions) connected via ISDN and/or analog interfaces
    • an answering machine and software-based fax (receiving only)
  • in most models since 2006, a USB port to connect external storage or printer which may also be used to connect a e.g. a 3G or 4G mobile modem
  • a NAS and a DLNA/UPnP compliant media server in most models with newer firmware

Many Fritz!Boxes offer wireless repeater functionality which, in earlier firmware versions, was compatible with the IEEE 802.11-1999 standard wireless distribution system before being replaced with a proprietary system in more recent firmware versions.

Fritz Box 7360 Password Hack

IPv6 support was enabled from firmware version 4.90 onwards.

Fritz Box 7360 Password Hack

Fritz!Box devices operate under the control of Fritz!OS, a specialized Linux distribution, which provides a graphical web interface for user interaction.

Domestic versions[edit]

Configure Hma On Fritz Box 7360

Fritz!Box devices with an integrated DSL modem come in three versions. The version for the German market uses an ISDN interface for voice. For the Austrian and Swiss markets the voice interface use traditional POTS and also has a German-language user interface. The international version has a multi-language web interface and provides support for POTS and usually ISDN for voice. While the international version supports both the most common ADSL Annex A POTS and ADSL Annex B ISDN, the German version offers hardware support for Annex B only, which is the sole standard used in Germany, with additional support for Annex J in newer models.

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  1. ^'Neues von der Fritz!Box'. Retrieved 2 March 2010.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to FRITZ!Box.
  • Official website

Fritz Box 7360 Password Hack Download

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