Error message from VSIX installer is ' The installation was unable to install the extension to all the selected products.' and mode detailed log info as follows:
How To Install Qt Visual Studio Add-in
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - -------------------------------------------
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - vsixinstaller.exe version:
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - 15.0.26430.14 built by: D15SVC
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - -------------------------------------------
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - Command line parameters:
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2017ProfessionalCommon7IDEVSIXInstaller.exe,C:UsersDunanDownloadsqt-vs-tools-msvc2015-2.1.1.vsix
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - -------------------------------------------
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - Microsoft VSIX Installer
8/17/2017 10:02:30 AM - -------------------------------------------
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Initializing Install..
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Extension Details..
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Identifier : QtVsTools.30112013-cd02-4fd0-89bd-e36f85abe16a
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Name : Qt Visual Studio Tools
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Author : The Qt Company Ltd.
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Version : 2.1.1
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Description : The Qt Visual Studio Tools allow developers to use the standard development environment without having to worry about any Qt-related build steps or tools.
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Locale : en-US
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - MoreInfoURL :
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - InstalledByMSI : False
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - SupportedFrameworkVersionRange : [4.5,)
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM -
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - SignatureState : Unsigned
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Supported Products :
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Pro
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Version : [14.0]
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Premium
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Version : [14.0]
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Ultimate
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Version : [14.0]
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Microsoft.VisualStudio.Community
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Version : [14.0]
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM -
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - References :
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Signature Details..
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Extension is not signed.
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM -
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Searching for applicable products..
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Found installed product - Global Location
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - Found installed product - Visual Studio Professional 2017
8/17/2017 10:02:31 AM - VSIXInstaller.NoApplicableSKUsException: This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.
at VSIXInstaller.App.GetInstallableData(String vsixPath, Boolean isRepairSupported, IEnumerable1& skuData) at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize(Boolean isRepairSupported) at VSIXInstaller.App.Initialize() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
Qt5 Visual Studio Add In
Well, Qt VS extension extends to VS2015 only right now. After installing VS2015, this tool got installed. You can download apps/games to desktop of your PC with Windows 7,8,10 OS, Mac OS, Chrome OS or even Ubuntu OS.
Download Qt For Visual Studio
The Qt Visual Studio Add-in allows developers to use the standard development environment without having to worry about any Qt-related build steps or tools. The main features of the add-in are: Wizards for creating new Qt projects and classes. Time again for an follow-up to my post on Qt’s LTS release, now that Qt 5.9 has been published as a new long-term supported (LTS) release. And since Qt 5.9.1 does not build with Visual Studio 2010 anylonger, this was also a good reason to switch to the freshly released Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition. Obd2 rs232 adapter cable iso 9141 2 projects. Visual Studio can now be used to create new Qt projects. This add-in will also automate the process of UI'cing, MOCing, and compiling the Qt project so you only have to compile as normal.