Motorola Remote Control 1072ba1-h-c-a Manual

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< How to use a Motorola DVR
How to use a Motorola DVR
Identify | Connections | Setup | i-Guide | MSTV | Passport | Tivo | FireWire | Remote | Firmware/Software | Configuration | Bugs | Boot Errors | VOD Errors | Resets | Help
  • 2Device Codes
  • 3Key Remapping (Key-Mover)
  • 4Macros
  • 5Volume Lock
  • 6Channel Control Lock
  • 7All On key
  • 8Resets

Remote Control[edit]

Comcast URC-106XXXXX Silver Remote

The Motorola DVR can be operated with a variety of remote controls. Cable operators are not locked into a specific model, though two forms of the 'silver remote' (one with DVR-specific controls at the top and one without) are the most common. Both of these remotes are programmable - most of the buttons can be remapped to support functionality that is either not normally deployed (30-second skip) or that is missing (tuner swapping on the non-DVR specific remote). Some remotes supplied by cable operators (one of which is commonly called the 'brown' remote) are not programmable.

The silver remote is made by Universal Electronics, and uses the same codes and commands as the 'One-For-All' series. You can find information on programming these remotes at The silver remote has a 6-pin connector next to the batteries and is JP1.2. As of September 2006, there is now a cable and software that can let you use your computer to program the remote. Software support for the JP1.2 connection is still somewhat buggy. Support for the URC-1067 (version without the PIP keys), and the URC-1068 (version with PIP keys) was recently added. You can find the model number on a sticker in the battery compartment. The forums and code lists at offer useful information.

The Atlas 5 Device DVR/PVR remote (see (the so called 'black remote') distributed by CableOne in certain markets uses the same codes and commands as the 'silver remote', except that you need to discard the two leading zeros (e.g., for the 30-second skip, use code 173 instead of 00173). If your 'black remote' is JP1.3 include the two leading zeros. You can check your remotes version by looking near the 6-pin connector inside the battery area. All other steps work as described below.

Some units (6416 from Eastlake for example) are being shipped with a Motorola DR800 remote which do not have a 'setup' button. For basic programming you hold down the 'device' button for at least six seconds until the remote sequences through all four device buttons(Audio, DVD/VCR, TV or Cable). Follow the verizon link for a basic programming manual. As of 12 July 2009, it seems no one has worked out how to program the remote to add in the 30 Second skip feature.

Device Codes[edit]

Download lagu qing fei de yi acoustics. The remote will probably come pre-configured for the DVR, but you will probably need to configure the TV and possibly the AUX keys by programming a Device Code for them. An on-line copy of codes can be found at the One-For-All Universal Remote Setup Codes page and the Comcast Remote Controls page.

Comcast Universal Remotes accept 4 and 5 digit codes, depending on the model: for example, URC-105XXXX-style remotes (with 'gray OK-button') accept 4 digit codes and URC-106XXXX-style remotes (with 'red OK-button') accept 5-digit codes. For remotes using 5 digits, the first digit corresponds to the device being programmed. The first digit is 0 for a cable box; 1 for a TV; 2 for a VCR, DVR, or DVD player; and 3 for audio equipment. The other four digits are the traditional device codes. If a four digit code (e.g. 0476) doesn't work for you (i.e. the device button being programmed emits a long, single blink), try adding a leading digit corresponding to the device (e.g. 00476, for the cable box).

According to the instructions, the Comcast silver-style remote is initially programmed for an RCA TV and an AUX RCA VCR; however, it doesn't mention the codes used.

Setting a Device Code[edit]

  1. Find the 4-digit code number for your device.
  2. Manually turn on the device you are setting the code for (used to verify you have the proper code).
  3. Press and release the device key you want to program.
  4. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until device key blinks twice.
  5. Type in the 4-digit code using the number keys.
  6. If successful, you will get 2 blinks. If not successful, you get one long blink.
  7. Use the remote to operate your device (use Power, Play, etc.)
  8. If it doesn't work, look for another code and repeat the above.
  • The code for the DVR box is typically 1376 or 0476 (or 01376 or 00476 for models accepting five-digit codes). For the newer DCX series with a gray/platinum remote, use code 01982.

Searching for a Device Code[edit]

If you couldn't find a code for your device, or none of the listed codes work, you can try a Code Search. This will step through every code, sending a key until you find one that works, or it cycles back to the beginning.

  1. Manually turn on the device you are setting the code for (used to verify you have the proper code).
  2. Press and release the device key you want to program.
  3. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until device key blinks twice.
  4. Type in the code 991. The device key should blink twice.
  5. Aim the remote at the device and press Power (or Play or some other key that will give an obvious result.)
  6. If there is no response, press the device key.
  7. Keep repeating the Power (or other) key and device key until you get a response.
  8. If you do get a response, press the 'Setup' key to lock the code.

Checking your Device Code[edit]

If you forget what device code you used, or it was found using Code Search, the remote can tell you what code is programmed for a device key.

  1. Press and release the device key you want to get the code for.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 990. The device key should blink twice.
  4. Press the 1 key and count the blinks. This is the first digit.
  5. Press the 2 key and count the blinks. This is the second digit.
  6. Press the 3 key and count the blinks. This is the third digit.
  7. Press the 4 key and count the blinks. This is the fourth digit.
  8. Press the 5 key and count the blinks. This is the fifth digit. (for remotes with five-digit codes)


  • The number zero will show no blinks.
  • The most common CABLE codes are 1376 or 0476 (or 01376 or 00476 for models accepting five-digit codes).
  • Sony TV's often use code 0000. This can be confusing as you get no blinks for all digits!

Reassigning a Device Key[edit]

The device keys are designed to only work with certain codes. If you try to program a DVD player on the TV key, it may not work. You need to reassign the device key to a different category.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until device key blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 992. The device key should blink twice.
  3. Press and release the device you want copy codes FROM.
  4. Press and release the device you want to copy codes TO.

To restore a device key, just press it twice (in other words, copy to itself.)

Key Remapping (Key-Mover)[edit]

Remapping a key allows you to move a key to a more convenient location, copy a key from another device, or add a new function to a key. One-For-All remotes call this feature Key-Mover.

Key remapping is not available on the Universal Electronics' 1056B03 remote.

Remap a Key[edit]


This is the general procedure for remapping. Several common mapping options specific to the Motorola DVR are listed below.

  1. (Option) Press and release the device key to make it the default.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until a device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. A device key will blink twice.
  4. (Option) Press and release the device key for the source device.
  5. Press the key to get the code from. This can be:
  6. Another button with an existing code or,
  7. Press and release 'Setup', then type in a 3- or 5-digit code. The code is called an 'Extended Function Code' (EFC). Most of the silver remotes use 5-digit codes. Most others use 3-digits. In most cases, you just add '00' to the front of the 3-digit code to get a 5-digit code (00173 = 173).
  8. (Option) Press and release the device key for the destination device.
  9. (Option) Press and release 'Setup' to create a shifted key.
  10. Press and release the button you want to put the code on.
  11. If the remap is successful, a device key will blink twice.

A list of Extended Function Codes (EFC's) for many device codes can be found at Advanced Codes. See Checking your Device Code if you do not know the code for your device.

Using a Shifted Key[edit]

A Shifted key is a second code stored on a key. It is accessed by pressing and releasing the 'Setup' key, then pressing the desired key. The 'Setup' key acts like the Shift key on a keyboard. A common use is to put the DVR's own Mute code as a shifted Mute. A normal press of the Mute key will mute/un-mute your audio device (TV or amplifier), but the shifted-Mute will mute or un-mute the DVR.

Restore a Remapped Key[edit]

The following technique can be used to restore the original function to a key that has been remapped. You are essentially mapping the key onto itself.

  1. Press the device key ('Cable', 'TV', or 'AUX') for the device you want.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until the selected device button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The selected device key will blink twice.
  4. Press the key you are restoring twice. The device key will blink twice if successful.

Restore All Remapped Keys for a Device[edit]

The following technique can be used to restore the original function to all remapped keys for a device.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until the a device button blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 994. A device key will blink twice.
  3. Press the device key you are restoring twice. The device key will blink twice if successful.

The four most common remapping are:

Add 30-Second Skip[edit]

The following technique can be used to map an unused or unneeded button on the 'silver' remote to the 30-second skip command. Current versions of the i-Guide software will skip forward 30 seconds into a recording when this command is sent. A good choice is the 'A / Lock' button since many users don't need that function; you can feel both the '15-second-back' and '30-second-skip' buttons with one finger and move between them without looking. Some users have found, however, that double-clicking the play button results in a 30-second skip forward.

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00173.
  6. Press whatever button you want to map the 30-second skip command to (ex: skip button at bottom of remote(using a/b/c will deprogram guide features on comcast remotes). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

If you have the dark gray remote and a DCX series cable box, use this procedure.

You must temporarily reprogram Aux to Cable, set 30 sec skip, then change Aux to your auxiliary device.

  1. Press the 'Aux' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Aux' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 01376. The 'Aux' button will blink twice.
  4. Press the 'Aux' button at the top of the remote again
  5. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Aux' button blinks twice.
  6. Type in the code 994. The 'Aux' button will blink twice.
  7. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  8. Type in the code 00173.
  9. Press (do not hold) the 'Cable' button.
  10. Press whatever button you want to map the 30-second skip command to (ex: A / Lock). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.


  • This did not work on boxes with the Microsoft TV Foundation Interface (previously used in Washington State, but now converted back to the i-Guide software). As of firmware version 12.22 Insight Cable disabled this feature, but has been re-enabled in firmware version 16.35. Comcast software Version 73.44 disabled this feature, but the latest software, Version 74.53-3321, re-enables it (this has been confirmed on the 3416 w/ 16.20 firmware). See software for more info.
  • As of software A25.2-2, the Page Up key is removed from some operators and others have programmed it as a 5 min skip.
  • This code does work for the PACE TDC577X (vegas) standard def DVR with Comcast service (SW version 75.69-a25p2-2S1.r-8).
  • This works with the Comcast Universal Remote - Red and the Motorola DVR.
  • This did not work with Universal Electronic remotes with model number 1056B03 on the back. This model does not support the 994 learning code.

Add 15-Second Back[edit]

Most Comcast remotes have a counter-clockwise curly arrow that is pre-programmed for this code.

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00179.
  6. Press whatever button you want to map the 15-second back command to (ex: A / Lock). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

Note: To reprogram a Radio Shack OneForAll™ remote please see this page--

If you have the dark gray remote and a DCX series cable box, use this procedure:

You must temporarily reprogram Aux to Cable, set 30 sec skip, then change Aux to your auxiliary device.

  1. Press the 'Aux' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Aux' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 01376. The 'Aux' button will blink twice.
  4. Press the 'Aux' button at the top of the remote again
  5. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Aux' button blinks twice.
  6. Type in the code 994. The 'Aux' button will blink twice.
  7. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  8. Type in the code 00179.
  9. Press (do not hold) the 'Cable' button.
  10. Press whatever button you want to map the 15-second back command to (ex: counter-clockwise curly arrow). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

Add A Dedicated STB Mute/Un-mute[edit]

The following technique can be used to map an unused or unneeded button on the 'silver' remote to the 6412's mute/un-mute command. Since the 'silver' remote's mute button often controls the TV's or HT receiver's mute command, this allows you to re-enable the sound if the box has muted itself (see 'MUTE' bug).

Method 1 - Remap the Mute Button (Comcast URC-106XXXXX Silver Remote):

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00141.
  6. Press whatever button you want to map the STB mute/un-mute command to (ex: PiP On/Off). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

Note: You can also use the MUTE button for both the STB and your TV by mapping the STB mute/un-mute command to the MUTE button. The default function of the MUTE button will then be to mute/un-mute the STB (or activated by pressing CABLE, then MUTE). The TV mute/un-mute command can still be accessed by pressing the TV button, then MUTE.

Method 2 - Use a Shifted Mute Command (Comcast URC-106XXXXX Silver Remote):

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press and release the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00141.
  6. Press and release the 'Setup' button.
  7. Press and release the 'Mute' button.

Now, if the remote has volume lock enabled (the normal default is the TV), pressing MUTE will mute/un-mute that device. To mute/un-mute the STB, press and release the 'Setup' button (acting as the 'shift' button), then MUTE.

Method 3 (RCN Remote):The remote from RCN does not have a setup button. On that remote, these instructions should work, and more detailed instructions can be found in this thread.

  1. Press and hold CBL, then press and hold OK until CBL lights up.
  2. Press VOL + (the upper part of the VOL button).
  3. Press and hold CBL. CBL should blink several times to indicate success.

Method 4 - Disable Volume Lock (Atlas 5 DVR Remote):Another method to fix this is to make the volume controls independent for the TV and the Cable. Some companies have the remote set to automatically lock the volume control strictly to the television. To undo this on the Atlas 5 PVR/DVR:

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  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' button.
  2. Press (do not hold) the 'CBL' button. Wait for 2 flashes of the last pressed button.
  3. Enter 993 on the digit pad.
  4. Press 'VOL +' on the remote. The last pressed mode button should flash twice.

This will unlock all the volume controls to be independent. If you want to control the TV's volume, press 'TV' first. If you want to control the cable box's volume, press 'CBL' first.

Add A Tuner Swap Button[edit]

The following technique can be used to map an unused or unneeded button on the 'silver' remote to the tuner swap command. The Motorola DVR contains two tuners. Some versions of the 'silver' remote lack the DVR-specific buttons, including the 'swap' button that tells the DVR to swap the 'background' tuner (which can record but does not display on-screen) with the 'foreground' tuner (the tuner that is actively displaying on your TV). A common use for this command is to switch to a tuner that is not currently recording a program in order to watch another live program without disrupting the ability to pause or rewind the first program.

Method 1 (Comcast URC-106XXXXX Silver Remote):

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00236.
  6. Press whatever button you want to map the tuner swap command to (ex: PiP Swap). The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

Note: It was common for some Comcast remotes that had transport keys, but none of the PIP keys (URC1067BG1), to have the swap programmed on the TV/VCR key. This did not work on boxes with the Microsoft TV Foundation Interface (previously used in Washington State).

Method 2 (Atlas 5 DVR Remote):On Atlas 5 DVR/PVR devices, you can enable this functionality more simply by giving your remote the correct code to control the Motorola DVR. This is known to work on DCT6412 Phase III boxes, but has not been tested on Phase II or Phase I boxes, or any other model box. To do this, simply:

  1. Press the 'CBL' button at the top right of your remote control once, to set it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button at the upper-left of your remote until the 'CBL' button blinks twice.
  3. Enter 1376 on the number pad of the remote. The 'CBL' button will blink twice.

The 'SWAP' button at the bottom-left of the remote (small black button with white lettering) should now swap between your tuners. Additionally, the green 'LIST' button in the middle of the remote control should now bring you straight to a list of your recorded programs, instead of having to navigate through a series of menus to get there.

Sending an EFC code manually[edit]

You can experiment with an Extended Function Code (EFC) before mapping it to a key by sending it manually.

  1. Press and release the device button for the device you want to send the EFC code for.
  2. Press and release the 'Setup' button.
  3. Type in the 3- or 5-digit EFC code (the 5-digit code is usually just two zeros followed by the 3-digit code.)

EFC list[edit]

This is a list of the Extended Function Codes (EFC) that the Motorola DVR recognizes from a Universal Electronics/One-For-All style remote. For the silver Comcast remotes, you usually need to add two extra zeros to the front (example: 00173 for 30-second skip instead of the listed 173.)

EFC Table
012number 3013number 7014number 1015number 5016number 2017number 6
018number 0019number 4044Info045Right046Record047Down
079FAV080Exit081Lock/A/Triangle082Music channel list083TV/VCR108Toggle closed captions
109Change resolution
(DCH series only)
140Channel +141Mute142number 9143Volume +144Power
145Volume -146number 8147Channel -172Page Down17330-second skip174Day -/B/Square
175MyDVR176Page Up177Live178Day +/C/Circle179Replay (15-second rewind)204Play
205Pause206Menu207Fast Forward208On-Demand209Rewind210Preview List
211Stop236Tuner Swap

NOTE: Preview List displays a list of currently playing Pay-Per-View movies. The top entry lets you see previews for some of them.
NOTE: Music List displays a list of the music channels (DMX and Music Choice.) It's the same list shown by using Menu/Menu/Music.
NOTE: On Comcast remotes, the On-Demand button is actually a macro sending '1', then OK/Select.
NOTE: Captions may not show up until a timeshifting button (e.g. replay, live) is pressed.
NOTE: There are no discrete ON or OFF commands, but you can emulate them with the following:

  • ON = MENU - POWER - POWER (if OFF: displays setup menu, powers OFF, then powers ON. If ON: displays menu, powers OFF, powers back ON.)
  • OFF = MENU - POWER (if OFF: displays setup menu, then powers OFF. If ON: displays menu, then powers OFF.)
    • NOTE: To get rid of the warning screen that sometimes comes up regarding interruption of an ongoing program recording, append a 'LIVE' key to the end of the macro. i.e. ON = MENU - POWER - POWER - LIVE and OFF = MENU - POWER - LIVE.


Add a Macro Button[edit]

A 'macro' can also be created that will simulate hitting a series of buttons from the single press of a button.

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 995. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press the button you want to map the macro to (ex: PiP CH-) (Optional: You can push Setup first to have a 'shifted' button. See above).
  5. Press the sequence of buttons you want executed by the macro (ex: AUX, POWER, TV, POWER --- turns on/off the Aux and TV equipment without turning on/off the cable box when PiP CH- is pressed --- useful to avoid some of the bugs).
  6. Press and hold the 'Setup' button. The 'Cable' button will blink twice if successful.

Note: Certain buttons cannot be reprogrammed to execute a macro, ex: 'All On', 'POWER', 'Setup'.

Note: Macros typically operate across any device selected (Cable, TV, Aux) unless you use keymap to force a code onto a key. If that is done, the macro will not work for that device.

Note: 15 buttons can be programmed to each macro. ex: 5 channel up + 10 channel down. Macros cannot be combined, and the original function for a button is kept when used inside a macro. For example, I set a macro for my 'TV/VCR' button to change the input of my TV to my DVD player (the default for this button) and then set the remote to AUX. I then set a macro for the 'HD zoom' button to change the input of my TV to TV and then set the remote to CABLE. This macro included the pushing of 'TV/VCR' which when still performed its default function, not the macro I had assigned to it.

Note: Works well as fix for the 'my DVR' button function change Comcast implemented ex: 'my DVR' press now shows 'my recordings' like it did before Comcast changed it.

Programming the 'My DVR' button with a silver and platnium remote on the Motorola DCT3412 box

  1. Press the “Cable” button.
  2. Press and hold the “Setup” button until the “Cable” button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The “Cable” button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the “Setup” button.
  5. Type in the code 00175.
  6. Press the 'My DVR' button.

Erase a Macro from a Button[edit]

The following technique can be used to erase a macro programmed on a key. You are essentially creating a macro with no steps.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until a device button blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 995. A device button will blink twice.
  3. Press the key with the macro you want to delete.
  4. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until a device button blinks twice.

Volume Lock[edit]

Volume Lock is a remote control function that forces the volume and mute keys to always send the codes for your audio device (typically the TV or an amplifier.) You can change what device is used for volume, or disable the feature. When disabled, the remote will send the volume code for whatever device is currently selected.

Setting Global Volume Lock[edit]

Global Volume Lock will force the volume and mute keys to be controlled by one device.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until a device key blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 993. A device key should blink twice.
  3. Press and release the device key for the device you want the volume locked to.
  4. You will get two blinks if the lock is successful.

Disable Volume Lock for one Device[edit]

This will disable Volume lock only when a particular device is selected on the remote.

  1. Press and release the device key for the device you want to disable the Volume Lock on.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until a device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 993. A device key should blink twice.
  4. Press and release the Volume Down (Vol -) button.
  5. The device key will blink FOUR times if successful.

Disable Global Volume Lock[edit]

This will disable Volume Lock for all devices. The Volume and Mute keys will send the codes for the selected device. Nesterj nes emulator 1 11 psp slim.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until a device key blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 993. A device key should blink twice.
  3. Press and release the Volume Up (Vol +) button.
  4. A device key will blink FOUR times if successful.


To lock volume control to the TV:

  1. Press TV
  2. Press and hold Setup until TV flashes twice, then release Setup
  3. Enter 9 9 3 (TV flashes twice)
  4. Press TV again (TV flashes twice)

Volume and Mute should now operate the TV even if the remote is in CABLE mode.

Channel Control Lock[edit]

Some of these remotes also have a Channel Control Lock. This forces the number, Channel +/-, Enter, and Last keys to always send the codes for one of the devices, no matter which one is currently selected. Normally, it is locked to the CABLE device.

Setting Channel Control Lock[edit]

Setting Channel Control Lock will force the number, Channel +/-, Enter, and last keys to the selected device.

  1. Press and release the device key for the device you want to lock the keys to.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until the device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 973. The device key should blink twice.
  4. Press the Channel Up (CH +) key.
  5. If successful, the device key should blink 2 times.

Disabling Channel Control Lock[edit]

Motorola Drc450 Remote Control

Disabling Channel Control Lock will allow the number, Channel +/-, Enter, and last keys to be used with the currently selected device.

  1. Press and release the device key for the device you want to lock the keys to.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until the device key blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 973. The device key should blink twice.
  4. Press the Channel Down (CH -) key.
  5. If successful, the device key should blink 2 times.

All On key[edit]

The All On key is a built-in macro that sends Power codes for all 3 devices. This macro cannot be altered or removed.

Due to bugs, it's often best to leave the DVR on all the time. Unfortunately, the All On macro will turn it off if somebody presses the button. A workaround is to alter the code sent for the DVR's Power command to something that is ignored. That way, when the macro runs, it sends the unused EFC code. The drawback to this method is that the Power button will not work at all. A workaround for the drawback involves mapping the Power code as a SHIFTed Power key.

There is a manual mechanical workaround to this issue. Using a box cutter blade or swiss army knife blade, cut the top rubber off the ALL ON button so it is flat to the plastic..or slightly below the surface. Do not pierce the rubber. The button will still be usable but won't be likely to be pushed unless a dedicated 'little pinkie' device is used. As a further enhancement a piece of tape can be place over the surface making the button effectively gone.

Disable DVR Power key[edit]

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00000.
  6. Press the 'Power' button.
  7. You will get 2 blinks if successful.

This does not work with 3412 cable box with Motorola DVR remote

Enable DVR Power key[edit]

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press the 'Power' button twice.
  5. You will get 2 blinks if successful.

This does not work with 3412 cable box with Motorola DVR remote

Create a SHIFTed Power key[edit]

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code 994. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.
  4. Press (do not hold) the 'Setup' button.
  5. Type in the code 00144.
  6. Press and release the 'Setup' button.
  7. Press the 'Power' button.
  8. You will get 2 blinks if successful.

To send the Power command, press and release the 'Setup' key, then press the 'Power' key.

This does not work with 3412 cable box with Motorola DVR remote


If your remote is not acting right, or you've made changes and messed things up, you can reset the remote to defaults.

WARNING: This could cause problems if your cable operator has pre-programmed some keys, as you may lose some functions.

OPS Reset[edit]

This reset will delete all macros and keymoves, including volume and channel locks. It will not reset device codes.

Drc800 Motorola Remote Control Codes

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until a device key blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 980.
  3. If successful, a device key will blink FOUR times.

Factory Reset[edit]

This reset will delete all macros and keymoves and reset device codes to defaults.

  1. Press and hold the 'Setup' key until a device key blinks twice.
  2. Type in the code 981. (For new XR2/5/11 remotes code 986, good = 2 green blinks)
  3. If successful, a device key will blink FOUR times.
  4. Also code 982 will unlock your remote from your previous cable box; note that you'll need to do this to reassign the 'Cable' device key.

Configuration after Reset[edit]

Motorola Remote Control 1072ba1-h-c-a Manual Free

As indicated above, functionality may be lost after performing a factory reset. Comcast URC-style remotes, for example, will no longer communicate with the set-top box after a reset and must be reconfigured.

Comcast gives the following codes for Motorola digital boxes (not dvr). Note for these codes to be entered the remote must be unlocked (4 blinks after entering 982):

01376 (This works for Motorola DCT6208 DVR,00476,00810,00276,01187,01254,01982

The following has been confirmed to reconfigure the Comcast URC-106XXXX remote for the Comcast Motorola DCH-3416 HD DVR:

  1. Press the 'Cable' button at the top of the remote to put it into Cable Box control mode.
  2. Press and hold the 'Setup' button until the 'Cable' button blinks twice.
  3. Type in the code: 0476 for URC-105XXXX-style remotes or00476 for URC-106XXXX-style remotes. The 'Cable' button will blink twice.

Your remote should now work as originally configured by Comcast.

The Cable device code may be locked on some remotes. To unlock:

  1. press the CABLE button.
  2. press and hold the SETUP button until the CABLE button blinks twice.
  3. Enter 9 - 8 - 2. The CABLE key will blink four times.

Motorola Remote Control 1072ba1-h-c-a

Then, follow the normal programming procedure using the correct code as above for your set-top box. To re-lock the Cable device code, repeat the steps above.

EDIT: 01376 will work for all Motorola boxes, Source: Comcast employee.

EDIT: Kindly try the following codes: 0877, 0008, 0017, 0277, 0477, 1877 for 'gray' remotes that use four digit codes.

Other remotes[edit]

If you have another universal or multi-device remote that you want to use to control your Motorola DVR, you need to find the proper setup code. If Motorola is not listed under cable devices, try using codes for General Instrument or GI, and possibly NextLevel and Jerrold. General Instrument was bought by Motorola a few years ago; Jerrold was a former General Instrument brand.

Motorola Remote Control Drc800

Many universal remotes or older cable remotes may not support the transport keys (play, pause, etc..) If the cursor keys are supported, you can use them as alternates:

RightFast Forward
Page DownReplay (15-second rewind)

5-minute rewind in some areas

Page Up30 second skip (software 75.59 or newer)

5-minute skip in some areas

Day -Stop
Day +Play

If your remote doesn't support Day - for Stop, you can use Live (Down) to return to live video, then go through the menus to access the recording and delete it, restart from beginning, etc.

External Links[edit]

Motorola Remote Control Instructions

Comcast Remote Controls Official page for Comcast remotes. Universal Electronics Remote Support.

Motorola Remote Control 1072ba1-h-c-a Manual Pdf

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