Quiz Questions About The Olympic Games

The Winter Olympics Host Locations. Quiz Updated: January 4, 2018. Lake Placid, Lillehammer, Vancouver are some of the most iconic Winter Olympics host locations. Test your sports history and geography skills with this Winter Olympics host site quiz.

This competition tests the physical prowess of athletes from across the world, but how much do you really know about the Olympics? Test your mental prowess in this quiz.

You have {{ vm.secondsPerQuiz }} seconds to answer each question. The faster you answer, the higher your score. When you're done, try again to beat your best score!
QUESTION {{(vm.state.currentQuestion + 1)}} of {{vm.questions.length}}

To try to keep a little bit of alphabetic equilibrium at Sporcle today, we've removed the letter of this quiz from this prologue. 2012 Summer Olympics Minefield It's really a shame the Olympics discontinued the 'Dueling Pistols' event. Do you remember who won the first straight 10 on gymnastics? General knowledge test about Olympic Games Quiz. Can you answer them right?

Quiz Questions About The Olympic Games Online


QUESTION {{(vm.state.currentQuestion + 1)}} of {{vm.questions.length}}


The Olympic Games
{{vm.state.numberCorrect}}/{{vm.questions.length}} correct
{{vm.state.score|number:0}}/{{vm.maxPoints}} points


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{{vm.state.responses[$index].isCorrect ? 'Your' : '}} Correct Answer:
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