Suitability Of Procedural Programs

Procedural programming is suitable for making graphical based application however they are not the best. A better method to use is Event driven programming as they are made for the purpose of making graphical applications. Evaluate the suitability of procedural programs for the creation of graphical applications.? Have to write a report about this and don't have a clue what to write about, all my teacher keeps saying is to write about Fortran of visual basic and why they are better suited to creating graphical applications.

Unit 16 Assignment Brief‎ > ‎

D1 - Suitability of Procedural Languages for Graphical Applications

The code below is a example of a Graphical Application
package gui;
public class GUI {
String sResponse = ';
sResponse = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,'Enter a value','Entry',JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);
Number = Number + Integer.valueOf(sResponse);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Number);
Graphical applications are useful because the user can input data in without needing to change values of variables in the code without opening the code, also you can re-use the same code at different stages in the program. Procedural programming has become quite popular for graphical applications do to operation systems like Linux. Although procedural programming is known for its graphical applications like video games it is not the best because Event Driven Programming soul purpose is to be graphical. Graphical applications need to be given specific steps in a certain order to work and because of this it is a perfect match with procedural programming as the whole concept of procedural programming are to set straight and simple steps for a program to work

Suitability Of Procedural Programs For Graphical Applications

Zenit pcb free download. package letsdoathing;

import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class LetsDoAThing {

public static voidmain(String[] args) { Chopin complete edition 17 cd.

String yourName;



yourName =JOptionPane.showInputDialog('What is your name?');


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, 'Your name is ' +yourName); 1995 the beacon street collection.

Suitability of procedural programs pdf



Graphical applications are very useful tools because the user can inputdata and click fun things, without needing to change variables in the sourcecode; you can also re-use the same code in different points in the program. ProceduralProgramming has become quite the mode for graphical applications due tooperation systems like Linux. Although procedural programing is known for itsgraphical workings in things like games it is not the best as Event Driven Programming’ssole purpose is to be a GUI. Graphical applications need to be given specificfeats in a certain order to be able to work and because of this fact it is agood match for procedural programming as the whole concept of procedural is togo step-by-step.