Organizing Tools For Home

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How To Organize Tool Room

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15 Things Organized People Have in Their Homes

If you've been searching for the best products to organize with after KonMari-ing your home, look no further. These stress-free products will totally revamp your space. Ditching the clutter and organizing your home sparks endless amounts of joy and transforms your home. Organizing your home may seem like a daunting task, but these products will give you the added motivation you need. As an added bonus, they're all on Amazon!

— Additional reporting by Angela Elias

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Organizing is hands-on work! You can save valuable running around time by assembling a few basic tools before you start an organizing project. To take a room from cluttered to cleansed, you need the following tools:


Organization Tools For Home

  • Sorting tools: You can probably find these tools lying around your house! For sorting, you need four large bins. Purchase paper in four different colors (like neon yellow, green, orange, and pink), and using a dark-colored marker, label the signs with large block letters: STAY, MOVE, SHARE, and GO. As your SHARE and GO bins fill up with items, periodically transfer the contents to trash bags. Label your trash bags so your SHARE pile doesn’t end up in the trash.

  • Installation tools: You can accomplish most projects with a hammer, Phillips screwdriver, flathead screwdriver, measuring tape, level, and drill. Spending $50 at the local hardware store can easily round out your tool collection.

  • Finishing tools: When it’s time to put your items away, select the proper containers (such as bins, boxes, or baskets) based on the size and characteristics of the items they’ll contain. You can save money and be eco-friendly by repurposing existing containers such as shoe boxes, crates, or canisters. And don’t forget to label each container.