Vodafone Puk Code Generator

Active6 months ago

Vodafone India Customer Care's response, Jan 03, 2012 Hello Vinod, Thanks for writing to us with your concern. To get the PUK code kindly provide the email request at vodafonecare.har@vodafone.com from the registered email Id.

When deploying a mobile phone best practices policy, one of the points which were raised was the requirement for the user to protect his SIM card with a PIN. The theory is that three failed attempts to input the right PIN switches the SIM card into PUK mode, and 10 failed attempts to input the PUK make the card unusable.

What is the reality of this assumption? One of the uses of a stolen mobile phone is to robot-call specific numbers and drain the user account:

  • is it practically possible* to crack the PIN code, either directly or by cloning the SIM and testing the 10,000 possible codes?
  • is it practically possible* to crack the PUK code? This one is longer but since it can be recovered by the carrier it means that a SIM ID can be used to generate such a code.

*) 'practically possible' means doing it quickly enough to use the SIM before it is blocked (say, an hour)

I am interested in the technical aspects of the question (there are legal as well, when it comes to a policy ; there is also the possibility of fraud with the help of a carrier operator who would generate a PUK)

Rory Alsop
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2 Answers

Karsten Nohl had a nice presentation at Blackhat 2013 (https://www.blackhat.com/us-13/briefings.html#Nohl) claiming that many SIM cards are rootable.

Download free porrino preludio aria et scherzo pdf viewer online. The crux of his attack is based on the Over-The-Air (OTA) software updates for these cards, which are typically sent via 'secure' binary SMS directly to the SIM. He claims that in ~25% of the cases, the SIM will respond with a signed error message to an invalid attempt to update its code, and that for about 50% of the SIMs on the market, the signature will be encrypted with the very old and crackable Digital Encryption Standard (DES). Worse yet, the signature is signed with the same key as is used to sign code, so that once it is broken offline it can be used to send a software update to the SIM.

This software update does not, in itself, provide access to the PUK, but by utilizing an unspecified memory vulnerability, Nohl claims to have been able to break out of the SIMs Java sandbox and get access to this key.

If you believe Nohl (and I have no reason not to), this demonstrates that:

  1. It is possible to get the PUK for many SIMs on the market,especially old ones.
  2. It is not something that an average user can do right now.
Ari TrachtenbergAri Trachtenberg

SIM card is just a smart card. Like a majority of smart cards SIM card designed to be physically protected. I mean that you are not able to retrieve any information from smart card (of course there are some backdoors, side channel attacks and some not perfect techniques). Your carrier writes Ki private code and IMSI public id into your SIM. All of this data (including PIN and PUK codes) stored in (physically) secure memory. It is hard to extract this data directly by sniffing wires on a die of smart card.

As I said before it is much more easily to carry out side channel attack. Because data like PIN code is used by algorithms it is possible to create some correlation between data and power consumption. Some Russian guys tried to attack COMP128v2-3 with SCA and made some success. By the way SIM cloning was possible because COMP128v1 is weak algorithm.


So, to crack PIN you should either:

  • Be a vendor ;)
  • Have specification of algorithm of PIN checking and try to find weaknesses
  • Carry out side channel attack (of course you need specs)
  • Sniff data on the die and know chemistry :)
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PUK code refers to “Personal Unlocking Key”. PUK code is security code that protects your SIM card data. Your mobile phone asks for PUK code only when you have entered incorrect pin number three times. Once if your mobile starts asking for its PUK code then you can neither make a call nor send text from it.

Puk Code Unblock Sim Card

I know that you wanna know the way to sue out this problem. So, via this article I am going to convey two simple ways through which you can easily find your PUK code and activate your SIM card again. To know about the tricks to find out PUK code in easy ways then read the below mentioned line.

Today I am going to tell you 2 ways to find your PUK code easily to unblock your SIM CARD. And these ways are as follows:

How can the answer be improved? Crack password pst file outlook. PST Password Recovery software supports to crack password from both ANSI and Unicode password protected PST files created by all popular versions of Microsoft Outlook, such as 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013, & 2016. How to Recover Password of Outlook PST File. Forgot Outlook PST password? Fortunately, the PST file is protected using a very weak encryption algorithm CRC32 that we can crack your password quickly and easily. Everyone can follow the instructions below to recover forgotten password to any protected Outlook PST file. Search the Location of “scanpst.exe” on your PC. Run scanpst.exe and click on repair. Keep backup your Outlook PST File, before applying repair process. Click on “Start”button >> “Run” OR Press “Window Key” + “R”. Type CMD and press enter button. Copy the path of Your PST File into a command prompt.

1. Find PUK Code Using Another Mobile

It is very easy to find your PUK code by using another mobile. But always keep in mind that the alternate mobile must have the same telecom operator as your one has.

Now without wasting time make a call to the customer care center and tell them about the problem you are going through. They will ask some question for the verification. You must reply them with appropriate answers if you don’t do so then they may reject your request.

After this process they will tell you your PUK code number with some instructions. Follow the instructions as customer care executive tells. By this way you can easily find your PUK code to unblock your SIM card.

Vodafone Puk Code Portugal

2. Find PUK Code Online

You can even get your PUK online. In fact, different telecom operators also helps you to get your PUK code. For example you’re using AT&T mobile operator, you can search on Google like “how to get AT&T puk code” and then visit the official website of AT&T.

Similarly, different SIM card operators provide online guidance or tool to get your PUK code instantly to unblock your SIM card.


Read Before You Leave:

How To Unlock Puk Code

Note: You will get only 10 attempt to enter PUK code to unblock your SIM card, even after these 10 attempt if you enter wrong code then your SIM card will be blocked forever.