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I purchased a copy of MS Office through Microsoft Home Use Program (HUP)It basically allows you get a very cheap copy for home use if your employer owns the licence.
My question is:Can I install it on more than one PC/laptop at home? I could not find anything in FAQ
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I was installing Office 2010I found the following in the EULA:
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2 INSTALLATION AND USE RIGHTS. a. One Copy per Device. You may install one copy of the software on one device. That device is the “licensed device.”
b. Licensed Device. You may only use one copy of the software on the licensed device at a time.
c. Portable Device. You may install another copy of the software on a portable device for use by the single primary user of the licensed device.
4 Answers
There is support in the HUP license (which is the same as a retail license for this discussion) for installing on two machines, a primary and a portable. This is described in the EULA.
One site where you can see this explained is here:
The EULA for Office 2007 with the relevant portion highlighted is here:
The EULAs for all Microsoft products can be found here:
If you look at the 2010 agreement you can see the same 'portable device' language.
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No, you are not allowed to install the software on more than one computer at a time.
But you can purchase more HUP licenses. In my home use program, I can buy more than one license, so I would expect that you can, too.
It may be technically possible to install the same licence twice using the same key.
Torben Gundtofte-BruunTorben Gundtofte-BruunThere is no problem to install MS Office (any version) on three computers, but only if the license states so up front. If so, then there is no problem.
Microsoft Home Use Program Military
It is known to be more difficult and time consuming to install MS Office 2010 (Professional Edition) from the Floppy Disk. Up to five hundred disks and up to three days to install on one computer, so to do this on three computers could take up to six days.
No. You have a single license. I believe depending on what package you have the TOS will be available with the software.
That is if you want a legal copy on all your computers.